mercredi 19 novembre 2008

New version of PoshBoard coming soon !

Some news about PoshBaord :

Development is ongoing of course ! :), a bit delayed by professionnal constraints.

With the release of Silverlight 2.0 and upcoming Dropthings 1.8.0, a new version of PoshBoard will be available shortly :

So, what's coming ?

Update with Silverlight 2.0 and Dropthings 1.8.0, with addional features :

  • You'll be able to create dynamic widgets based on ironPyhon ! on the fly customisation with ironpython code or with a little gadget designer !
  • You'll be able to import and export custom widgets ! We'll be able to share widgets with the community
  • New widgets based on Silverlight control toolkits

Your inputs, suggestions are as always very usefull, please give me your feedback !

News coming soon, stay tuned.